Seasons greetings, and closing the year ...
16.12.2011 Puppy plans
3 x BIS-1, C.I.B. FI SE EE LV CH, FIW-10 Rejejs Joie de Vivre for Carnoustie has been mated to the outstanding
BIS-3, RU CH, RU J CH Carnoustie´s Attired By Frost, and we hope for lovely merle- tri puppies February 2012.
Thank you Svetlana for all your help!
06.12.2011 Added some new pictures of Rambo
At the same time as we attended the winner shows in Helsinki, we also put Carnoustie´s Rameses on the plane
for his long flight from Helsinki via Frankfurt to Miami, USA. He is the first rough collie ever exported
from Finland to United States of America. We wish him and his new owner good luck, and hope that he will be
valuable for their breeding. Thank you for your trust in our breeding.
Many thanks also to Mattias at Travel Cargo for arranging the transport, and being so patient and answering to my
many questions about the trip - we strongly recommend anyone wanting to send dogs abroad, that they
turn to Travel Cargo.
03.12.2011 Helsinki international show
EE J CH Carnoustie´s Love is My Desire 2nd Exc in intermediate
Kapriz Ekateriny Limelight Carnoustie jun 4th Exc, CQ.
Rejejs Joie de Vivre for Carnoustie champion 4th Exc
04.12.2011 Helsinki, Winner show
Carnoustie´s Addicted to Desire intermediate 1st Exc, CQ
EE J CH Carnoustie´s Love is My Desire 4th Exc
BH Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven open 4th Exc
FI EE CH Carnoustie´s Beam of Light champion Exc
Kapriz Ekateriny Limelight Carnoustie jun 4th Exc, CQ
Rejejs Joie de Vivre for Carnoustie champion 3rd Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s breeders class 2, POH.
Thanks to Satu, Katri and Petri, Mirja, Inessa and Lidia for a nice weekend in good company!
19.11.2011 Jyväskylä international show, 76 roughs, judge Dagmar Klein, Romania
EE J CH Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire interm 1st Exc, CQ / Leo nuo eri 1 SA
Carnoustie´s Addicted to Desire interm 2nd Exc, CQ / Rio nuo eri 2 SA
Kapriz Ekateriny Limelight Carnoustie jun 1st Exc, CQ, BB-2, CC !! / Lime PN-2 SERT
MULTI CH Carnoustie´s Solange BB-4, rCC / Solo PN4- v-SERT
Rejejs Joie de Vivre for Carnoustie 3rd Exc / Joy eri 3
So mother Solange and daughter Limelight took the CC and the rCC at their first finnish shows ever -
well done, and thank you Natalja for our fabulous Lime!
20.11.2011 Jyväskylä international show, 74 roughs, judge Guisseppe Alessandre
Carnoustie´s Addicted to Desire interm 2nd Exc, CQ
EE J CH Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire interm 3rd Exc
Carnoustie´s Moon Goddess open Exc
CH Carnoustie´s Solange champion 2nd Exc, CQ
CH Rejejs Joie de Vivre For Carnoustie BB-2, rCACIB
Carnoustie´s BOB-breeder

from left to right: NORDW-09 Moon Goddess, MULTI CH Solange, EE J CH, CC-winner Love is My Desire,
and CC, BOB-winner, Hero Dog Award -winner Addictred to Desire.
18.11.2011 All puppies booked - for next litter see puppy page
Kaikki pennut varattu, kts pentusivulta seuraavat pentusuunnitelmat.
17.11.2011 Healt results - terveystuloksia
Ch Will Beam Me Up´s daughter Usvapilven Glamour Girl health examined, with B/B-hips and cea-free eyes!
Willsonin tytär Usvapilven Glamour Girl tervelonkkainen ja tervesilmäinen, onnittelut!
12.11.2011 Obedience trial results
Carnoustie´s La Bella Principessa 1st Prize obedience trial with 165 points, well done Jonna and Madde!
Jonna ja Madde kisasivat Kokkolassa, tuloksena alo 1, onnittelut!!
06.11.2011 Show results, Tarto international show, Estonia
RU BLR LV CH, RU GR CH, RU J CH, RU CLUB & J CLUB CH Carnoustie´s Solange CC, rCACIB, new EE CH!
Solo Tartossa sert, v-cacib, uusi EE MVA!
Поздравляем дорогих друзей!!! с нетерпением жду встречи с вами!
What a litter this has been :
11 x CC, 3 x CACIB, BH, obedience trial 2nd prize, Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven,
FIJW-09, FIW-09 Carnoustie´s Solitaire who has 6 x CC, 10 x rCC, 3 x CACIB, 2 x BIG-1, 1 x BIS-1
CC-winner Carnoustie´s Scaramanga
rCC-winner Carnoustie´s Elektra.
Double-O-Seven and Solitaire needs only one more CACIB to close their international champion-title.
05.11.2011 Pictures
New pictures of the puppies -thank you Kaarina!
Pennuista uusia valokuvia - kiitos Kaarina!
03.11.2011 Eye check results
Puppies eye-check today, 5 x cea-free, 2 x very small crd.
One cea-free tricolour male available.
Torin ja Henkan pennut kävivät silmätarkastuksessa, tuloksena 5 x cea-vapaa, 2 x erittäin lievä crd.
Yksi cea-vapaa tricoloururos vielä vapaa, luovutus 10.11. alkaen.
29.10.2011 Show results, Riga International show, Latvia
RU BLR CH, RU J CH, RU J CLUB CH, RU GR CH Carnoustie´s Solange CC, CACIB, new LV CH! Congratulations!!
Solo SERT, CACIB, uusi LV MVA! Onnittelut!
Поздравляем дорогих друзей!!!
What a litter this has been :
11 x CC, 3 x CACIB BH Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven,
FIJW-09, FIW-09 Carnoustie´s Solitaire who has 6 x CC, 9 x rCC, 3 x CACIB, 2 x BIG-1, 1 x BIS-1
RU BLR LV CH, RU J CH, RU J CLUB CH, RU CLUB CH, RU GR CH Carnoustie´s Solange
CC-winner Carnoustie´s Scaramanga
rCC-winner Carnoustie´s Elektra.
Double-O-Seven and Solitaire needs only one more CACIB to close their international champion-title.
28.10.2011 Health results / terveystuloksia
Carnoustie´s La Bella Principessa B/B-hips, 0/0-elbows, and a slight crd.
This means that the whole litter by BH Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven and FI SE EE CH Carnoustie´s La Dolce Vita
is HD-free and ED-free.
Maddella on terveet lonkat ja kyynärät, silmiin jäi
pieni crd. Koko Sonyn ja Lilyn pentue on nyt tutkittu ja terve- hienoa!
23.10.2011 New puppy pictures - uusia pentukuvia
18.10.2011 new puppy picture page
I have had some problems updating the homepage, and the page with puppy pictures age 8 days and 15 days just refuse to
function, so I had to do a new page for their 3,5 weeks pics.
On ollut jos jonkinlaisia ongelmia pentukuvasivun päivityksen kanssa, ja jouduin tekemään 3,5-viikkois kuville uuden sivu,
toivon mukaan toimii nyt.
17.10.2011 Added NAMES to puppies and info about available puppy - pennuille nimet, ja varaustilanne
22.09.2011 Puppies born
FIJW-09, FIW-09 Carnoustie´s Solitaire has made us very happy, she has got 8 puppies. The sire is the beautiful
FI CH Wicani Caped Crusader. We have 3 tri males, 3 tri bitches, 1 merle male, 1 merle female.
Henkan ja Torin pennut ovat syntyneet: 3 tri urosta, 3 tri narttua, merle narttu ja merle uros.
18.09.2011 Sandviken international show, Sweden, judge Bo Wiberg
BH Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven CC, CACIB, BOS ! He needs only one more cacib to complete his international champion title!
Well done Satu and Sony!
FI EE CH Carnoustie´s La Dolce Vita BB-4, CC, SE CH !! Thank you Satu and Nina for taking Lily with you!
Sony ja Lily kävivät
Ruotsin puolella kisaamassa Satun ja Ninan kanssa, hyvin tuloksin -
Sony VSP, SERT, CACIB, ja Lily
PN-4, SERT, SE MVA. Sony tarvitsee vain yksi cacibi lisää tullakseen inttivalioksi. Kiitos Satu ja Niina !
17.09.2011 Hyvinkää national dog show, judge Pia Enlund (Kangasvuokon)
EE J CH Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire BM-2, rCC / Leo PU-2, v-SERT!! Well done Katri and Leo!
08.09.2011 Health results and puppies
Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca, A/A, 0/0, crd/crd.
EE LV J CH Carnoustie´s La Traviata, B/B, 0/0, crd/crd.
(Rejejs Niagara Song´s health result has not yet arrived, it will
take longer as she is being registered in the Finnish kennel club
at the same time (import dog).
Added one new litter to next year´s puppy plans.
03.09.2011 Temperament test, Jakobstad, judges Halme and Orava
Carnoustie´s Beam of Light, +127 points, gunshot secure, and new FI EE CH! Well done and congrats Katri and Oscari!
Carnoustie´s Scaramanga +80, gunshot secure, not approved (accessibility minus)
Ch Carnoustie´s Object of Desire at Corydon´s and Ch
Carnoustie´s Pleasant Touch´s daughter, Drivergold Elise
+100 points, gunshot secure, and approved - very well done Mallu and young Essi (only 2 years old!).
This year our dogs have got 15 new championtitles, including two international champions - quite a record, we believe!
27.08.2011 Birthday pictures
Dear old Sefi, Heidelind´s Pleasant As A Zephyr, celebrated her 12th Birthday yesterday, and we took some
pics of 4 generations. From left CC-winner Heidelind´s Pleasant As A Zephyr, her daughter FI EE RU LT CH
Carnoustie´s Silver Flower, and her daughter FIJW-09, FIW-09 Carnoustie´s Solitaire, and Solitaire´s sister
RU GR CH Carnoustie´s Solange´s daughter Kapriz Kateriny Limelight Carnoustie.

Also one picture of Sefi´s grandson, Carnoustie´s Dark Moon Shining, 5 months old.
24.08.2011 Picture from Piteå, Sweden, international show
Finally got the picture from Piteå, Sweden where Carnoustie´s Solitaire won CC, CACIB, BOB, BIG-1.
Breed- and group judge Helge Lie, Norway. Picture by Johan Frick-Meijer.

20.08.2011 Added new pictures of Lime and Blondie on their own pages.
20.08.2011 Kokkola group show, judge Eva Eriksson
Carnoustie´s La Bella Principessa junior 1st Excellent, CQ.
Carnoustie´s Primavera veteran 2nd Exc.
Well done and congratulations Jonna and Madde, Mari and Weera!
20.08.2011 Kouvola all breed show, judge Harri Lehkonen
BM-3, rCC Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire / Leo PU3, v-SERT
Well done once again Katri and Leo !
14.08.2011 Valkeakoski all breed show, judge Paula Rekiranta
BM-2, CC Carnoustie´s Love is My Desire / Leo PU2, SERT.
Congratulations Katri and Leo, and well done!!
06.08.2011 Saarijärvi all breed show, judge Wera Hubenthal
BB-4, BOS-veteran Carnoustie´s Primavera / Kaunis Weera PN-4, VSP-veteraani, onnittelut Mari ja Weera!
Jun 1st Excellent Carnoustie´s La Bella Principessa / Jun Eri 1, onnittelut Jonna ja Madde!
05-06.08.2011 Kuopio, ACP-happening (unofficial gathering for corydonrelated dogs)
Best Sable: Carnoustie´s Love is My Desire / Leo Paras Soopeli ja PU-3
BM-3: Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire
Best Madam & Dog: Katri & Carnoustie´s Beam of Light.
Well done Katri and the boyz !
30-31.7.2011 Tarto, Estonia
30.7.2011 Tarto, Estonia, judge Bozena Ovesna, Tseckoslovakia
junCC, junBOB, BB-1, BOS, new EE LV J CH Carnoustie´s La
Traviata / Blanca junSERT, junROP, PN1, VSP ja uusi EE LV J MVA
BB-2, CC, new EE CH Carnoustie´s La Dolce Vita / Blancan äiti Lily tyylikkäästi PN2, SERT, EE MVA
CC, new EE CH, BOB, BIG-3 Ch Carnoustie´s Will Beam Me Up /
Willson palasi kehiin 1,5 vuoden tauon jälkeen, ja heti
31.7.2011 Tarto, Estonia, judge Jaroslava Ovesna, Tseckoslovakia
junBOB, BB-2 Carnoustie´s La Traviata / Blanca ROP-jun, PN-2
BOS Carnoustie´s La Dolce Vita / Lily VSP
BOB, BIG-2 Carnoustie´s Will Beam Me Up / Willson tyylikkäästi ROP, RYP-2 !
16-17.7.2011 Piteå, Sweden
WHAT A WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!
16.7.2011 Piteå, Sweden, Collie speciality show, judge Karl-Erik Johansson
C.I.B* FI EE CH Carnoustie´s Object of Desire at Corydon CC, BOS, new SE CH.
C.I.B* FI LV EE CH, FIW-10 Rejejs Joie De Vivre for Carnoustie CC, new SE CH, BOB, BIS-1.
FIJW-09, FIW-09 Carnoustie´s Solitaire BB-2, resCC

17.7.2011 Piteå, Sweden, international show, judge Helge Lie
Object of Desire 4th Exc in champion, more interested in Solitaire´s season than in showing :)).
Joie de Vivre BB-2, rCACIB
Solitaire CC, CACIB, BOB, BIG-1.
16.07.2011 Finland BH-test result
Approved BH-test Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven! Well done Satu and Sony,
and good luck in the working trial competitions (in Finland a dog has to pass
the BH-test to be allowed to compete in working trial).
Thanks everyone for all gratulations - it was a marvellous weekend!!
09.07.2011 Viljandi, Estonia, judge Lisette Delvaux-Crawels, Belgium
junCC, junBOB, new EE J CH, BM-2 Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire
CC, BOS Carnoustie´s Beam of Light.
Many congratulations Katri, Petri and the boys - way to go!!!!
03.07.2011 Karjaa dog show
BM-3 Carnoustie´s Beam of Light
BB-2, CC Carnoustie´s Scaramanga, many congratulations Silja and Isla to your first CC!
Carnoustie´s Love is My Desire jun 3rd Exc, and his litterbrother Addicted to Desire jun 4th Exc,
both in quite light coat. Moon Goddess 4th Exc in open.
Also yesterday at the int show in Kokkola, Carnoustie-related dogs had a good day,
with Carnoustie´s Baltic Frost´s daughter taking her second CC, and Carnoustie´s
Touch of Heaven´s daughter taking the rCC., and Carnoustie´s Object of Desire at Corydon´s
daughter taking 2nd Exc with CQ in intermediate class.
27.06.2011 New pictures and updates
Finally we had the time to take some new pictures, and update our homepage more properly.
Lime, Rambo, Blanca and Blondie got their own pages, and Sonja´s and Joy´s pages are
updated with new pictures.
NEW - also added Lime´s pedigree to her own page, check out her interesting pedigree!
Show results Haukipudas, Finland 19.6.2011
Carnoustie´s Primavera BB-2, rCC, BOB-veteran, BIS-4 veteran - way to go Mari and Weera!
Show results Pärnu, Estonia, 19.6.3011, international show, judge Saija Juutilainen
Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire junCC, junBOS, BM-3
Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven BM-4
Carnoustie´s Beam of Light open Exc
Carnoustie´s Object of Desire at Corydon BM-1, CC, CACIB, BOS, new EE CH and INT CH
Carnoustie´s La Traviata jun 3rd Exc
Rejejs Joie De Vivre For Carnoustie CACIB, BOB, new INT CH
Carnoustie´s BOB-breeder
Show results Pärnu, Estonia, 18.6.2011 international show, judge Ingrid Hein
Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire jun Exc 3
Carnoustie´s Beam of Light open Exc
Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven BM-2, rCACIB
Carnoustie´s Object of Desire at Corydon BM-4
Carnoustie´s La Traviata junCC, junBOB, BB-4
Rejejs Joie de Vivre For Carnoustie BB-2, rCACIB
Carnoustie´s BOB-breeder
Show results Pärnu, Estonia, 17.6.2011 speciality show for herding dogs, judge T Rashikhmarova
Carnoustie´s Love is My Desire jun 3rd Exc
Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven BM-3
Ch Carnoustie´s Object of Desire at Corydon BM-4
Carnoustie´s La Traviata jun 1st Exc, junCC, BB-3
Ch Rejejs Joie De Vivre For Carnoustie BB-2, CC, new EE CH
Carnoustie´s breeders class 2nd Exc
Show results 11.6.2011, Crufts Qualifier in Riga, Latvia - judge Janiki Steinbock / Manuel Loureiro Borges
Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven open 2nd Exc / Avo eri 2
CH Carnoustie´s Object of Desire at Corydon champion 2nd Exc, CQ, BM-3 / valio eri 2, SA, PU3
Carnoustie´s La Traviata junior 2nd Exc, Promotion Prize / jun eri 2, Kunniapalkinto
CH Rejejs Joie De Vivre For Carnoustie CC, CACIB, LV CH, BOB, BIG, BIS / SERT, CACIB, MVA, ROP, RYP, BIS.

Show results 12.06.2011 Riga, Latvia - judge Manuel Louireiro Borges, / Martin Croeser
Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven open 2nd Exc, CQ / avo eri 2, SA
Carnoustie´s Object of Desire at Corydon champion 2nd Exc, CQ, BM-4 /valio eri 2, SA, PU4
Carnoustie´s La Traviata jun 1st Exc, CQ, junCC, BB-4 / jun eri 1, SA, junSERT, PN4
CH Rejejs Joie De Vivre For Carnoustie CACIB, BOB, BIG, BIS-4 / CACIB, ROP, RYP, BIS-4

Puppies by our male - urostemme jälkeläisiä
CH Carnoustie´s Will Beam Me Up´s
latest litter born today, 5 puppies at Soonist kennel, 4 sable males, 1
sable bitch.
Some of the males still available.
Willsonin pennut syntyneet Soonist kennelissä, 4 soop urosta, 1 soop narttu. Jokunen uros vielä vapaa.
21.05.2011 Show results - näyttelytuloksia
Somero show, judge Paula Rekiranta
BM-2, CC Carnoustie´s Beam of Light, / PU-2, SERT
congrats / Onnittelut Katri & Oscari!
BB-1, CC, BOS, NORDW-09 Carnoustie´s Moon Goddess / PN-1, SERT, VSP
Congrats / Onnittelut Katriina & Sissi!
20.05.2011 All puppies have got homes - kaikki pennut varattuja.
16.05.2011 Eye check results - silmätarkastustuloksia
The puppies had their eyes checked, 3 x cea-free, 2 x slight crd.
Also Rejejs Niagara Song was adult checked, and cea-free also as adult.
Pennut kävivät silmätarkastuksessa, 3 x cea-vapaa, 2 x lievä crd.
Myös Sonja aikuistarkastettiin, cea-vapaa.
15.05.2011 SHOW RESULTS
Viitasaari dog show, FIJW-09, FIW-09 Carnoustie´s Solitaire CC, BOB, BIG-1, BEST IN SHOW!!!!
Tori ROP, RYP-1, BIS-1 !!
Ch Rejejs Joie De Vivre BB-2 /PN-2.
28.04.2011 In memoriam
The time had come when we had to let some of our dear oldies go - old Hero had suffered from a slowly developing
cancer a couple of years, and was getting weak. Diva had some back problems. They have lived together for many
years, and they left together - peacefully fell asleep in their own couch. My heart is aching, my tears are falling -
our house is empty. There will never be anyone like these two - but we know that they are young and healthy
in doggy heaven, running free and happy together with those who have gone before them. Rest in peace beloved
ones - we will always miss you, and remember you.

picture Kaarina Pesonen
Aika oli tullut päästä
Hero ja Diva sateenkaarisillalle. Heron hitaasti kehittyvä
syöpä vei häneltä pikkuhiljaa voimat,
ja Divalla oli ongelmia
selänsä kanssa. He olivat asuneet yhdessä monta vuotta,
ja saivat myös lähteä yhdessä -
rauhallisesti saivat nukahtaa omassa sohvassaan. Iso pala sydämestäni on pois, kyyneleet valuu, ja talo tuntuu
tyhjältä - emme saa
koskaan tällaisia koiria enää. Mutta tiedämme
että heillä on hyvä olla nyt, ja juoksevat iloisesti
ja vapaasti koirien taivaassa muiden edesmenneiden koirien kanssa. Lepää rauhassa kaunis Hero ja ihastuttava Diva,
ja tuhannet kiitokset kaikista näistä vuosista. Jäämme ikuisesti kaipaamaan teitä.
22.04.2011 Show results - näyttelytuloksia Lahti International show
Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire 2nd Excellent in junior class, only beaten by the speciality show BIS-winner
Carnoustie´s Beam of Light BM-4, CACIB - congrats Katri and Oscari and Leo!
Beam of Light is by Ch Will Beam Me Up x Ch La Dolce Vita.
Love Is My Desire jun eri 2, häviten ainoastaan erikoisnäyttelyn BIS-voittajalle.
Beam of Light PU-4, CACIB, onnittelut Katri ja Oscari ja Leo!
Beam of Light on Ch Will Beam Me Upin ja Ch La Dolce Vitan jälkeläinen.
09.04.2011 Show results - näyttelytuloksia
Vaasa international show, 61 roughs for breed specialist judge Ingrid Hein (Cayring).
BM-3, rCC Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven
BB-2, CACIB, rCC Carnoustie´s Solitaire
BB-4 Ch Rejejs Joie De Vivre For Carnoustie
Vaasa kv näyttely, 61 pk collie, tuomarina kasvattajatuomari Ingrid Hein (Cayring).
PU-3, v-SERT Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven
PN-2, CACIB, v-SERT Carnoustie´s Solitaire
PN-4 Rejejs Joie De Vivre For Carnoustie
08.04.2011 Health results - terveystuloksia
Hero Dog, CC, BOB-winner Carnoustie´s Addicted to Desire´s official health result arrived, A/A-hips, 0/0-elbows,
and he is also cea-free. Congratulations Mirja and beautiful Rio!
Sankarikoira, SERT, ROP kv
näyttelystä voittanut soop uros Carnoustie´s Addicted
to Desiren virallinen terveystulos
saapui, A/A-lonkat, 0/0-kyynärät ja hän on myös cea-vapaa. Isot onnittelut Mirja ja Rio!
Puppies - pentuja
Ch Silva´s puppies are born: 2 tri males, 1 tri bitch, 1 merle male, 1 merle bitch.
In Blue Mellow´s kennel born 7 puppies by the outstanding Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven, and the merles look
absolutely fabulous.
Ch Willson has had a beautiful sable lady visiting last week, and we hope to tell good puppy news after 8 weeks.
Silvan ja Blackyn pennut ovat syntyneet 31.3 : 2 tri urosta, 1 tri narttu, 1 merle uros, 1 merle narttu.
Blue Mellow´s kennelissä on C. Double-O-Sevenin pentuja syntynyt, 7 kpl, josta 3 ihastuttavia merlejä.
Willsonilla kävi narttu myös viime viikolla, toivomme hyviä pentu-uutisia 8 viikon kuluttua.
Pentuja - Puppies
Willson´s girlfriend scanned and she has puppies. They will be born under Merry Moonray prefix in the middle of April.
Also our Ch Silva seems to be pregnant and we hope for beautiful merle-tri pups after 3 weeks.
Willsonin tyttöystävä skannattu ja on kantava. Lisätietoja Merry Moonray´s kennelistä.
Myös meidän Silva vaikuttaa olevan kantava, ja toivomme kauniita merle-tri pentuja kolmen viikon kuluttua.
Terveystuloksia - Health results
Drivergold Elise Blossom (a Ch Object of Desire at Corydon-daughter) B-hips, 0-elbows, cea-free, congrats Mallu!
"O.J" now has six examined from five different litters, all hd-free, ed-free and cea-free.
Drivergold Elise Blossomilla terveet lonkat, kyynärät ja silmät, onnittelut Mallu!
OJ:lla on kuusi tutkittua jälkeläistä viidestä eri
yhdistelmästä (yksi Englannissa), kaikki terveitä.
Terveystuloksia - Health results
Carnoustie´s Love is My Desire (a Ch Object of Desire-son) A/A-hips, 0/0 elbows, cea-free, congratulations Katri and Leo!
Carnoustie´s Addicted to Desire examined today, and he is HD-free, ED-free and cea-free, congrats Mirja and Rio!
Both boys are available at stud (they are by GB exp. Ch
Carnoustie´s Object of Desire at Corydon - DK imp. Pahlex Attired
By Addict).
Love is My Desiren viralliset terveystulokset tulivat, A-lonkat,
0-kyynärpäät, ja hän on myös cea-vapaa.
Pentueveli Addicted to Desire tutkittiin tänään, terveet lonkat, kyynärät ja silmät.
Molemmat soopeliurokset ovat käytettävissä jalostukseen, Love is My Desirella on Virosta junSERT ja
Addicted to Desirella Suomesta SERT, ROP, 6 parhaan joukossa 1-ryhmässä Jyväskylän kv näyttelyssä.
.Morgongåva´s progesterone level was way too high, and the season is over. So no litter for her.
Obviously she had started her season earlier than her owner had
noticed, this is always the difficulty when you have no male at
Mindyn proge-arvo oli aivan liian korkea ja turhaa lähteä astuttamaan. Ilmeisesti juoksut alkanut reilusti aikaisemmin
kuin mitä omistaja oli huomannut
- tämä on aina se vaikeus kun taloudessa ei ole uroksia -
vaikea tietää heti kun juoksut alkaa.
11.02.2011 Ladies visiting
Ch Will Beam Me Up have had a nice tricolour lady visiting, and we hope to tell good puppy news after 9 weeks.
Willsonin luona kävi nätti tri narttu.
10.02.2011 health results
Carnoustie´s Love is My Desire (Ch Carnoustie´s Object of Desire at Corydon - Pahlex Attired By Addict) is x-rayed
today, with A-hips and 0-elbows. Congratulations Katri! Love is My Desire is available at stud - more information from
Katri Väkeväinen.
Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire
"Leo", lonkkakuvattu tänään, ja kuvat lähti A:na ja
0:na kennelliittoon, onnittelut
Katri ja Leo! Leo on käytettävissä jalostukseen, lisätietoja Katrilta.
Carnoustie´s Silver Flower has been mated to
Leaftribe Old Black Joe and we hope for lovely merle-tri puppies at the
end of March.
Carnoustie´s Morgongåva has started her season, and will be mated next week to Wicani Caped Crusader.
More information about the litters on our Puppies page.
Also added our planned sable litter for
Ch Carnoustie´s la Dolce Vita.
Mva Silva on astutetty Blackyllä, ja toivomme kauniita merle-tri pentuja maaliskuun loppupuolella.
Mindyn juoksut alkoi, ja astutus ensi viikolla.
Lisätietoja yhdistelmistä Puppies-sivulla.
Myös lisätty suunniteltu soopelipentue Mva Lilylle.
Added some pictures of our two
Lisätty pari kuvaa kakaroista.
Results from Finnish Collie Society/Pohjanmaa subdivision 2010
SCY/Pohjanmaan alaosaston colliekilpailut vuodelta 2010.
# 1 Top Male & Top Collie Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven
# 5 Top Male Ch Carnoustie´s Object of Desire at Corydon
# 6 Top Male Ch Carnoustie´s Will Beam Me Up
# 1 Top Bitch JV-09, V-09 Carnoustie´s Solitaire
# 2 Top Bitch Ch, V-10 Rejejs Joie De Vivre For Carnoustie (shared placing)
# 5 Top Bitch Carnoustie´s Elektra
and # 4 Bitch Rantapaikan Afrodite, a Object of Desire -daughter.
Results from Finnish Collie Society/Helsinki subdivision 2010
SCY Helsinki ao kilpailut vuodelta 2010
# 1 Top Male Puppy Carnoustie´s Love is My Desire
# 2 Top Show Male Carnoustie´s Beam of Light
Results from Finnish Collie Society (whole Finland) 2010
# 5 Top Male, # 1 Top Tricolour Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven
# 6 Top Bitch Carnoustie´s Solitaire
(Top Breeders and Top Stud Dogs 2010 will be announced autumn 2011).
Congratulations everyone!
Onnittelut kaikille!
03.01.2011 A new member to our family will join us this weekend. Thank you Ilona for this lovely
girl. More information about Sonja on her own
Laumaamme liittyy viiikonlopulla uusi
jäsen. Kiitos Ilona tästä ihanasta tytöstä.
Lisää tietoa
Sonjan omalla sivulla.
03.01.2011 Finally a new picture of FI RU CH Carnoustie´s Will Beam Me Up, who has developed
into a nice looking adult male - he is available at stud. He has champion- and CC-winning offspring.
More information about him on his own
Vihdoinkin uusi kuva Willsonista, FI RU MVA Carnoustie´s Will Beam Me Upista. Hänestä on kehittynyt
kaunis aikuinen uros - ja hän on käytettävissä jalostukseen. Hänellä on valio- ja SERT-palkittuja
jälkeläisiä. Lisää tietoa hänen omalta sivulta.
03.01.2011 Hero and Poppins celebrating their 11th Birthday today. Many congratulations dear oldies -
and thank you for 11 years full of pleasure and joy!! May you still be with us for many years!
Poppins ja Hero
täyttävät tänään 11 v. Paljon onnitteluja
rakkaille vanhuksille - ja kiitokset
ihanista yhteisistä vuosista - joka päivä teidän kanssa on ollut täyttä iloa!
Toivon mukaan pysytte vielä kauan terveinä!
01.01.2011 New year - and new diary. For updates and closing the year 2010, check the
Uusi vuosi, ja uusi päiväkirja. Vuoden 2010 päiväkirja sekä vuoden yhteenveto löytyy täältä.