the Year ...
Once again
a nice year, with many nice results from both shows, obedience, temperament
tests, and health examinations.
Our kennel also celebrated it´s 20 Years
Anniversary this year, our first litter was born in 1992.
Since that 37 collie
litters, and 1 puli litter have been born.
main goal this year was to make Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven and his sister
Carnoustie´s Solitaire international champions,
and we managed quite well.
Double-O-Seven took his 3rd estonian CC in April, and became EE SE
CH, and in June in Estonia he took
CACIB, BOS, EEW-12, and became C.I.B.
Solitaire took CC, CACIB, BOB, EEW-12 as well, and became also she C.I.B, and
in August in Pärnu
she took her crowning CC and became EE CH, and was the
second day also CACIB, BOB, BIG-4. So as usual, sister and brother follow each
other in results.
Double-O-Seven attended the temperament test autumn 2012, and
was approved with high points, 159, and at the big Helsinki Winner –show in
December he took his last (9th!) finnish CC and became also FI
CH! Thanks Satu for taking so well care
of our lovely boy!
Satu also competed with him in obedience, with a first prize
with 188 points, and he will compete in open class 2013.
His young daughter, Carnoustie´s La Bella
Principessa also competes, and has 2 x 1st price in obedience.
Solitaire became C.I.B, we entered both Solitaire and her mother CH
Carnoustie´s Silver Flower to the speciality shows and the international shows
in Piteå, Sweden, hoping that Silver Flower could get that last cacib needed
for her international title as well. We had not much hope for this,
Silva has
always hated shows, and is 10 years old, but was in marvellous coat and
condition, so we decided to give it a try – luckily!
Solitaire went CACIB, BOB,
BIG-2, and Silver Flower BB-2, rCACIB --> cacib--> NEW C.I.B.!!! A title
she well deserves!
She is a beautiful bitch, and has also produced so many
outstanding winners for us (2 x C.I.B, 1 x Multi Ch, several CC/CACIB-winners).
young male Carnoustie´s Dark Moon Shining also managed well, he was shown 7
times in 4 different countries, with BM-2, CC from Finland,
BM-3, rCC from Sweden (speciality show), 2nd
Exc from Latvia, and 3 x junCC, EE J CH, EEJW-12 from Estonia, with 2 x BM-3, 1
x BM-2, all in just three
international shows for three breed specialist
judges. He is x-rayed with A-hips, 0-elbows and is cea-free, pra-free, and is
available at stud.
His first litter was born Autumn 2012 in Drivergold kennel,
and the puppies look lovely. He has mated our succesful show bitch
C.I.B Multi
Ch, Multi BIS Rejejs Joie De Vivre for Carnoustie, so we hope for lovely
tri-merle puppies in February 2013.
two juniorbitches managed quite well also, even though sparingly shown.
Carnoustie´s Nefertiti was BB-4 at the main speciality show in Finland,
first show ever (200 roughs entered), BB-2 in Pärnu international show with
junCC, several class wins and placings
with CQ, and as icing on the cake,
she became Helsinki Junior Winner 2012, and
also took BB-3, CC in hard competition for breed specialist judge! Her litter
sister Cleopatra was shown a
couple of times, and has a class win with
Excellent. We just had this problem that we can´t show them at the same time in
the same class, because they
just go wild and want to play with each other, and
the running in the ring becomes nothing. Both ladies x-rayed with healthy hips,
elbows and also
healthy eyes. Their brother, USA export Carnoustie´s Rameses
has competed twice in obedience in USA,
and is on his way towards his first
bedience title, well done young Rameses!
CH Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire had a succesful year, by taking CACIB both in
Finland and Estonia, and now needs only one more CACIB to complete
international champion title. He also took 3 x CC, BOB, BIS-5, and became EE LV
CH. He also sired two very beautiful litters, one in Milli Miller kennel
Estonia, one at our kennel together with Rejejs Niagara Song. His best friend, FI EE CH Carnoustie´s Beam
of Light also had a succesful year, with
CC, 2 x BOB, BIG-3, BIG-1, LV CH.
Their female friend, Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca managed even better, and took 2
x rCC, 7 x CC, 1 x rCACIB, 1 x CACIB, 4
x BOS, 2 x BOB, from Finland, Estonia and Latvia,
and became EE LV CH at the
tender age of 2 year! Well done Katri, Petri and the dogs!!
La Vida Loca will
be mated in the beginning of 2013 to Silverlady´s Dream Maker.
Miracle, a litter sister to Dark Moon Shining, started her show career
extremely well, by taking her first CC at her first show ever!
Through the
whole year she was constantly placed, usually winning her class with CQ, and
often also BB-placed, well done Tiina and Iitu!
Dog Carnoustie´s Addicted to Desire added one more CC to his previous one,
being CC, BOS, and took also one rCC.
exp. Carnoustie´s To Russia With Love started her show career promising in Russia
in December by taking her first junCC, junBOB –
well done Alexandra and Natalia
with Laura!
Miracle, Passion for Desire and Dark Moon Shining were health examined, all
with A-hips and 0-elbows.
breeders class was presented in four different countries this year, with great
success. In Finland, Carnoustie´s was BOB, BIS-2 breeder at the main speciality
and also BOB-breeder in Paltamo, and also BOB in Helsinki Winner show. In
Sweden, Carnoustie´s were BIS-breeder at the Collie Speciality show, and
BOB-breeder also at the int.show.
In Latvia, Carnoustie´s were 2 x BIS-1
breeder in Ogre, both at an all-breed show, and at one group show. In Estonia,
Carnoustie´s went BIS-1 breeder at Pärnu international show.
Thanks everyone
that participated in our classes, and stayed the whole day at the shows,
waiting for the finals, thanks also to everyone that helped show the dogs
Saara, Linda, Sanna and Liisa, Tiina, Silja), and thanks Katri, Petri and Linda
for showing our group in Latvia!
litters born this year, La Dolce Vita was mated to Silverlady´s Dream Maker,
sadly only one surviver in the litter, but a beautiful sable girl that stayed
at home.
Rejejs Niagara Song was mated to EE LV CH Carnoustie´s Love Is My
Desire, and produced five beautiful puppies, some of them with a conformation,
headshape and expression I actually never
thought I would see again – reminding so much of their great-grandfather C.I.B.
Corydon Will Carnegie.
Future will tell what becomes of these youngster – but we have high hopes!
year in numbers:
5 junCCs,
6 rCCs, 5 rCACIBS, 21 CCs, 8 CACIBs, 8 BOS, 9 BOB, 4 BIG-placings, 1
BIS-placing, 52 BB/BM-placings, 12 new championtitles, 1 juniorchampion,
winnertitles, 8 x BOB-breeder, 1 x BIS-2 breeder, 3 x BIS-1 breeder.
everyone that made this possible – let´s make next year even better!!
Sussi & Thomas
2.12.Show results from St Petersburg, Russia
Carnoustie´s To Russia With Love junCC, junBOB
Congratulations Alexandra, Natalja and Laura.
Seasons Greetings
We want to wish You All A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!
Thanks everyeone that during the year have competed with your dogs in shows,
obedience, temperament tests, taken your dogs to health examinations,
participated in our breeders classes etc - and thanks for Christmas cards and
As usual, we have not sent any Christmas cards or gifts, instead we have supported
the Animal Rights- organization in Finland.
Show and obedience results 8-9.12.2012
Helsinki Winner Show 8.12.2012, breed specialist Helina Simberg, 78 roughs
C.I.B. EE SE CH, EEW-12, BH Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven BM-3, CC, new FI CH
Carnoustie´s Nefertiti jun 1st Exc, CQ, Helsinki Junior Winner 2012, BB-3, CC
Carnoustie´s Silver Miracle intermediate 1st Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s Scaramanga open 1st Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s Baltic Frost open 2nd Exc, CQ
C.I.B. Multi Ch Rejejs Joie De Vivre for Carnoustie BB-2, rCACIB
Carnoustie´s BOB-breeder

pictures by Josefina Lindgren
Helsinki, Finnish Winner 2012, judge Jose Aramburu Duran, roughs about 100
Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven Exc
Carnoustie´s Nefertiti 3rd Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s Silver Miracle, Exc
Rejejs Joie De Vivre for Carnoustie 2nd Exc, CQ
Kokkola, obedience trial
Carnoustie´s La Bella Principessa 159 points, 2nd price
Miami, USA, obedience trial
Carnoustie´s Rameses has competed twice during the weekend, and earned his first points towards the CD-title
(obedience title).
Ch Rejejs Joie De Vivre for Carnoustie has been mated to J Ch Carnoustie´s Dark Moon Shining and we hope for
tri-merle pups February 2013.
Show results from abroad
Tarto, Estonia 4.11.2012
Ch Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire BM-2, rCACIB
Ch Beam of Light Vg
Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca CC, CACIB, BOS --> new EE LV CH !!
Tarto, Estonia 3.11.2012
EE LV CH, EE J CH Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire, CACIB, BOB
FI EE LV CH Carnoustie´s Beam of Light 4th Ecx, CQ
Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca BB-2, rCACIB
Well done Katri, Petri and the Dogs!
Love Is My Desire needs only one more cacib to complete his Int Ch-title.
La Vida Loca has taken 7 x CC, 1 x CACIB, 4 x BOS, 2 x BOB during 2012.
29.10.2012 Puppy page updated
23.10.2012 Health examinations
Carnoustie´s Nefertiti HD-free, ED-free.
Carnoustie´s Cleopatra HD-free, ED-free.
Both also cea-free.
18.10.2012 Eye examinations
Puppies and juniors eyechecked today
Carnoustie´s Nefertiti cea-free
Carnoustie´s Cleopatra cea-free
Carnoustie´s Love Song, crd
Carnoustie´s Dark Desire, crd
Carnoustie´s Dark River, crd
Carnoustie´s Niagara Falls, crd
Carnoustie´s Duchesse, crd
Carnoustie´s La Dolce Fiore, crd
17.10.2012 R.I.P. Castlewolf Can Get It All
The time came to let BIS INT MULTI CH Castlewolf Can Get It All go,
she was during the last six years operated a couple of times for cancer,
but this last fight she lost. Thank you Memma for all memorable, fabulous
moments, including main speciality BIS-win, main speciality BIS-2 vet win,
EUVW-06 and as icing on the cake BIS-3 veteran at European Winner 2006,
amongst more than 100 veterans. After that she retired from shows, and
participated only in Veterans of Veterans Gala 2007, and then relaxed from
shows. Thank you to breeder Maarit for this outstanding friend and companion,
who also gave us a fabulous litter, including INT MULTI CH Carnoustie´s Reggae Man,
MULTI CH Carnoustie´s Mack the Ripper etc. Reggae Man continues to
spread happiness and joy in my parent´s home, and through him Memma lives on..
28.09.2012 Offspring to our male
EE J CH, EEJW-12 Carnoustie´s Dark Moon Shining´s first litter is born,
2 male puppies at Drivergold kennels - congratulations Mallu and Essi!
Dame is Drivergold Elise Blossom, HD-free, ED-free, cea-free, approved
temperament test+100 gunshot secure, rCC Finland (Vuorinen!), and
2 x CC Estonia. One puppy available - more info from Drivergold.
25.09.2012 Title confirmed!
FCI has confirmed Silva´s title, and she is now officially
C.I.B. FI EE RU LT CH Carnoustie´s Silver Flower!!!
Silva has also been an outstanding brood bitch, producing
two International Champions, one Multi Ch, and several CC-winners.

05.09.2012 Puppies born
Ch Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire´s and LV imp. Rejejs Niagara Song´s
puppies are born today: 3 sable males, 1 tri male, 1 sable bitch.
Pictures on Puppies page.
02.09.2012 Show results Helsinki, judge Saija Juutilainen, 44 roughs
Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca CC, BOB.
Blondie now has 6 x CC, 2 x rCC, 3 x BOS, 2 x BOB in 11 shows!!
26.08.2012 Show results Luumäki judge Maija Sylgren
BB-3, CC Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca.
Blondie now has 5 x CC, 1 x rCC, BOB, BOS from Finland, Estonia, Latvia.
Well done Katri and Blondie!!
23.08.2012 Obedience result
Carnoustie´s La Bella Principessa competed in obedience trial
in Kokkola, and got a first price, with 162 points. She needs only
one more first prize to close her TK1-obedience title.
Well done Jonna and Madde!!
Confirmation arrived from FCI, and Sony is now officially
C.I.B. FI SE EE CH, EEW-12, BH Carnoustie´s Double-O-seven!
21.08.2012 Puppies born
La Dolce Vita has given us a beautiful sable bitch puppy. Pictures
coming soon. This little lady will most likely stay at home with us -
she reminds very much of her great-grandmother Corydon Prima Diva.
Added some new pictures of Blanca and Lime on their own pages.
16.08.2012 NEW TITLES!
FCI has now officially confirmed Tori´s title, so now she is
C.I.B. EE CH, FIJW-09, FIW-09, EEW-12 Carnoustie´s Solitaire.
Solitaire´s brother, Sony, attended the finnish temperament test today with
splendid results, approved with 159 points, and he is now
C.I.B* FI SE EE CH, EEW-12, BH Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven!
He has during 2012 taken five titles ...
Thank you Satu for testing him, and congratulations!!
Now we only await FCI to confirm also Double-O-Sevens C.I.B-title,
and Solitaire´s and Double-O-Seven´s mother, Carnoustie´s Silver Flower´s
C.I.B-title as well - what a year, all three became International Champions!!
04.08.2012 Pärnu, Estonia, international show, judge breed specialist Natalja Rööm
EEJW-12 Carnoustie´s Dark Moon Shining junCC, junBOS, BM-3
EE LV CH Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire CACIB, BOS
Carnoustie´s Nefertiti BB-2
C.I.B* FIJW-09, FIW-09, EEW-12 Carnoustie´s Solitaire BB-4, CC, new EE CH
FI EE LV CH Carnoustie´s Beam of Light Vg 4
Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca interm Exc 2
Carnoustie´s Silver Miracle interm Exc 3
Carnoustie´s breeder´s class 1st VG
05.08.2012 Pärnu, Estonia, international show, judge breed specialist Linda Jurgens
EEJW-12 Carnoustie´s Dark Moon Shining junCC, junBOB, BM-2, new EE J CH
Carnoustie´s Nefertiti junCC, junBOS, BB-4
Carnoustie´s Silver Miracle interm Exc 2
Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca interm Exc 3
Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire BM-4
Carnoustie´s Beam of Light Exc 3
C.I.B* EE CH, FIJW-09, FIW-09, EEW-12 Carnoustie´s Solitaire CACIB, BOB, BIG-4
Carnoustie´s breeder´s class BOB, and BEST IN SHOW !!!
Thanks all for congratulations, fun company and champagne at ringside,
and a special thanks to Tiina with Silver Miracle for participating both days in our
breeders class, and also a special thanks to Saara Hakala who with 30 seconds
pre-warning handled and showed our Nefertiti in the breeders class to BIS-level.
Thx Katri and Petri for another marvellous evening at Willa Wessett - a lovely
weekend to celebrate our 20-years anniversary as breeders!
We are also very happy that young Rambo completed his EE J CH-title in just three shows.
He is shown 7 times in 4 different countries, and has every time won his class, except
when he was attacked by another dog in Riga, and was "only" 2nd Exc, and not shown the
following day because of an injury.
He has BM-2, CC from Finland, BM-3, rCC from collie speciality in Sweden, and 3 x junCC,
2 x BM-3, 1 x BM-2 from three int shows in Estonia. Not bad - now we will wash out all dead
coat, and come back next year for some more fun with him.
He is available at stud...
29.07.2012 Show results
Mikkeli international show, judge Paula Rekiranta
Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca intermediate 1st Exc, CQ.
Added a new picture of 10 months old Cleopatra on her own page.
Her coat is lifting, so no more shows until next year.
22.07.2012 Paltamo, breed specialist Mari Palgi (Dolmaris)
EEJW-12 Carnoustie´s Dark Moon Shining BM-2, CC at his first finnish show ever.
He has junCC, junBOB, BM-3 from Estonia, BM-3, rCC from speciality show Sweden,
and BM-2, CC from Finland. He had his first lady visiting yesterday, and we hope to
tell good puppy news after 9 weeks. He is available at stud for suitable bitches.
Also some other of our gang attended the same show:
Carnoustie´s Nefertiti jun 3rd Exc
Carnoustie´s Cleopatra jun 4th Exc
Carnoustie´s Solitaire open 2nd Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s Baltic Frost open Exc
Carnoustie´s BOB-breeder. We did not stay for the BIS-finals.
Thanks once again Sanna and Liisa for participating in our breeders class.
21.07.2012 Räpinä, Estonia, judge Jeff Horswell, GB
Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca CC, BOB !
Congratulations Katri and Blondie!
15.07.2012 Piteå, Sweden, international show, 60 roughs, judge Kitty Sjong, Denmark
EEJW-12 Carnoustie´s Dark Moon Shining intermediate 1st Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s Nefertiti junior 2nd Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s Baltic Frost, open Exc
Carnoustie´s Silver Flower champion 1st Exc, CQ, BB-2, rCACIB --> CACIB, new INT CH!!!
Carnoustie´s Solitaire CC, CACIB, BOB, BIG-2
Carnoustie´s breeders class BOB-breeder
13.07.2012 Piteå, Sweden, Collie Speciality show, 53 roughs, judge Fransisco Rodrigues, Spain
EEJW-12 Carnoustie´s Dark Moon Shining intermediate 1st Exc, CQ, BM-3, rCC, BIS-2 intermediate dog
Carnoustie´s Nefertiti junior 2nd Exc, CQ
CH Carnoustie´s Silver Flower champion 1st Exc, BB-3
CH Carnoustie´s Solitaire CC, BOS
Carnoustie´s breeders class 1, POH, BOB, BIS-1
08.07.2012 Ogre, Latvia
Ch Carnoustie´s Beam of Light BOB, BIG-1
Ch Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire BM-2
Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca CC, BOS
Show results from Finland and abroad 7.7.2012
Ogre, Latvia, national all breed show
FI EE CH Carnoustie´s Beam of Light CC, LV CH, BOB, BIG-3
EE LV CH Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire BM-4
Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca BB-2
Carnoustie´s breeders class BIS-1
Ogre, Latvia, FCI group 1 show
EE CH Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire CC, LV CH, BOB, BIS-5
FI EE CH Carnoustie´s Beam of Light BM-4
Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca CC, BOS
Carnoustie´s breeders class BIS-1
Congratulations Katri, Petri & the Dogz, and thank you also to Linda
for helping to handle the breeders class together with Katri and Petri.
Thank you Tiia,Kristine and Justina for the pics!
07.07.2012 Kokkola international show
Carnoustie´s Darius jun 1st Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s Cleopatra jun 1st Exc
Carnoustie´s Nefertiti jun 2nd Exc
Carnoustie´s Baltic Frost open 3rd Exc
Ch Carnoustie´s Silver Flower champion 3rd Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s breeders class 3, POH
30.06.2012 Main Collie Speciality show, Val & John Geddes (Ingledene) 131 rough collies
Carnoustie´s Nefertiti jun 1st Exc, CQ, BB-4 at her first show ever
Carnoustie´s Solitaire, open Exc
Carnoustie´s Baltic Frost, 3rd Exc, CQ in open class
Carnoustie´s Moon Flower vet 2nd Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s Prima Fantazija, vet Exc
Carnoustie´s Silver Flower, vet Exc
Carnoustie´s BOB, BIS-2 breeder

Stile study of Nefertiti, pictures with kind permission by Jaana Pirttijoki.
23.06.2012 Planned mating
Rejejs Niagara Song is in season, and will be mated to the handsome young male
EE CH Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire. More information on Puppy page.
19.06.2012 Health results
Carnoustie´s Passion for Desire A/A-hips, 0/0-elbows.
(C.I.B Carnoustie´s Object of Desire at Corydon - DK imp. Pahlex Attired By Addict).
Congratulations Jaana and Ruska, and thank you for examining.
16.06.2012 Mated
FI EE SE CH Carnoustie´s La Dolce Vita (MULTI CH Heidelind´s No Good For You -
MULTI CH Carnoustie´s Viva La Diva) has been mated to BIS-winner Silverlady´s Dream Maker,
and we hope for lovely sable puppies in the middle of August if all goes well. More information
about the parents on our puppy page.
Riga, Latvia 2 x CACIB 9-10.6.2012
Saturday 9th June 2012, judge Johnny
Andersson, Sweden
Carnoustie´s Dark Moon Shining 2ndExc junior class
Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven 2nd
Exc open class
Ch Carnoustie´s Beam of Light 3rd Exc, CQ champion class
Ch Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire 2nd
Exc, CQ, BM-4 from champion class
Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca 2ndExc intermediate class
Ch Carnoustie´s Solitaire 1st
Exc, CQ, BB-2, rCACIB, open class
Ch Carnoustie´s Silver Flower 3rdExc veteran class
We did not show our breeders class as
I and Rambo were hit by another dog in junior class,
and we all needed the rest.
Sunday 10th June 2012,
judge Helin Kasuk-Tenson
Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven 2nd
Exc, BM-3, rCACIB
Carnoustie´s Beam of Light Exc
Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire Exc
Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca 2nd
Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s Solitare 2nd
Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s Silver Flower 3rdExc, CQ
Tuuri 10.6.2012
Carnoustie´s Addicted to Desire CC,
Bitch CC went to Soonist Belle Shanelle, a Ch Carnoustie´s
Will Do Impact daughter
03.06.2012 Tallinn, Estonian Winner show, judge Helina Jurgens-Simberg (Heidelind´s)
junCC, junBOB, EEJW-12, BM-3 Carnoustie´s Dark Moon Shining, at his first show ever
BM-1, CACIB, BOS, EEW-12 Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven, who with this result became International Champion!
BB-1, CC, CACIB, BOB, EEW-12 Carnoustie´s Solitaire, who with this result became International Champion!
CC-winner was a son to C.I.B MULTI CH Carnoustie´s Touch of Frost, so it was a nice day for the Carnoustie-family.
Thank you everyone for all the congratulations - it was an amazing day!
05.05.2012 Rauma, Paula Rekiranta
BM-2, rCC Carnoustie´s Addicted to Desire
Well done Rio and Mirja!
27.05.2012 Järvenpää, judge Maija Sylgren
BB-4, rCC Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca.
Well done Katri and Blondie!
26.05.2012 Joensuu, judge Maret Kärdi, Estonia
BB-2, rCC Carnoustie´s Silver Miracle.
Well done Tiina and Iitu!
26.05.2012 Helsinki dog show, judge Piia Enlund (Kangasvuokon)
BM-2 CH Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire
BB-3, rCC Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca
20.05.2012 show results Salo dog show
EE CH & J CH Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire, BM-3, rCC
20.05.2012 Kempele dog show
3rd Exc intermediate Carnoustie´s La Bella Principessa
19.05.2012 New pics of Blondie
Showresults: World Dog Show, Salzburg, Austria 19.05.2012
What a day for our dear, late Maxi, FI LT CH Xtremely Blue Carnoustie From Fantazija, as a sire!
His son, C.I.B MULTI CH Impressive Blue Fantazija Vice-WW2012 !
His granddaughter, BALT CH Impressive Lady Fantazija CACIB, BOB, WW-2012 !!
Congrats Natalja and Ilona, I am sure that Maxi is very proud in doggy-heaven!
He is sadly missed, but his legacy lives on through his children and grandchildren.
Our own Sonja, Rejejs Niagara Song, is a daughter to Vice-WW2012 Impressive Blue Fantazija,
and half-sister to BOB, WW2012 Impressive Lady Fantazija - we hope that she will
produce something outstanding for us when mated!
16.04.2012 Health results
Carnoustie´s Silver Miracle examined today, and she is
CEA-free, PRA-free, HD-free and ED-free.
Congratulations Tiina and Iitu, and thanks for examining!
15.04.2012 Show results, Tallinn Winner, Estonia
BM-4, CC, new EE CH Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven
Well done Satu and Sony!!
Double-O-Seven now has 12 x CC, 3 x CACIB, 6 x rCACIB,
and needs only the last cacib to get his Int Ch-title.
14.04.2012 Show results Vaasa international
Carnoustie´s Silver Miracle jun 2nd Exc, CQ - congrats Tiina and Iitu!
Carnoustie´s Silver Flower champion 2nd Exc, CQ- thank you for handling her so well Kaarina!
BM-3, CC, BOS-puppy, and intermediate winner with CQ were all offspring to Carnoustie´s- dogs
so it was a nice day for the "family", congrats!
07.04.2012 New pictures
Added some new pictures of Rambo on his own page - Thank You, Kaarina!
06.04.2012 Ladies visiting
FI EE RU CH Carnoustie´s Will Beam Me Up has had a lovely sable lady visiting,
and we hope to tell good puppy news after 9 weeks.
Willson has 7 x CC, 5 x BOB, BIG-3, BIG-2, 2 x BIG-1,
and champion offspring. He is available at stud for
quality bitches.
04.04.2012 Health results
"Rambo", Carnoustie´s Dark Moon Shining x-rayed today, and the pictures
were sent to the Kennel Club as A/A-hips, and 0/0-elbows.
He is also cea-free, pra-free.
He is available at stud for quality bitches.
02.04.2012 Health results - eye check and ladies visiting
Carnoustie´s To Russia With Love, cea-free
Carnoustie´s Frostflake, cea-free
Carnoustie´s Dark Moon Rising, cea-free
Carnoustie´s Shades of Frost, slight crd
Kapriz Ekateriny Limelight Carnoustie, slight crd
11 x CC, 3 x CACIB, BH Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven has had a lovely sable bitch
visiting, and we hope to tell good puppy news after 9 weeks.
01.04.2012 Show results
Rakvere, Estonia
BB-2, CC Drivergold Elise Blossom (C.I.B. FI EE SE CH Carnoustie´s Object of
Desire at Corydon x EE CH, EE J CH Carnoustie´s Pleasant Touch).
"Essi" needs only one more CC to complete her EE CH title, and has already
rCC from breed specialist in Finland, and approved termperament test.
Well done Mallu and Essi!
24.03.2012 Puppy pictures
Added some new pictures of our 5 weeks old puppies,
thank you Kaarina!
16.03.2012 Ladies visiting
11 x CC, 3 x CACIB, BH Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven has visited a beautiful
merle bitch abroad, and we hope to tell good puppy news after 9 weeks.
04.03.2012 Show results
Tallinn, Estonia
EE J CH Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire, BM-2, CC, new EE CH.
Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca BB-1, CC, BOS.
Many congrats Katri, Petri, Leo & Blondie!
03.03.2012 New picture
New picture of 5 months old Nacho.
Show results, Tallinn, Estonia
EE J CH Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire BM-4
Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca, BB-2 at her first show ever.
01.03.2012 Puppy plans
Next year´s puppy plan´s updated with one more litter.
25.02.2012 Puppy plans & Show results
Next year´s puppy plan´s updated with one litter.
Tuusniemi group show, judge Unto Timonen (58 roughs)
BB-4, CC, Carnoustie´s Silver Miracle, at her first show ever!
Well done Iitu and Tiina!
25.02.2012 Puli pics
Added a new picture of our puli bitch Regina.
22.02.2012 New pics
Added some new pictures of the puppies.
17.02.2012 Puppies born
RU CH, RU J CH Carnoustie´s Attired By Frost and C.I.B. FI EE SE LV CH,
W-10, MULTI BIS Rejejs Joie De Vivre for Carnoustie´s puppies are born.
1 tri male, 1 tri female, 1 merle female. All puppies are booked.
Finnish Collie Society, Top Competitions year 2010
(yes, the results arrive late)
# 5 Top Breeder Carnoustie´s
# 5 Top Show Dog BH Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven
# 1 Top Tricolour Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven
# 6 Top Show Bitch FIJW-09, FIW-09 Carnoustie´s Solitaire
# 9 Top Brood Bitch FI RU EE LT CH Carnoustie´s Silver Flower
# 13 Top Brood Bitch Pahlex Attired By Addict
# 13 Top Stud Dog C.I.B. FI EE SE CH, BALTW-03 Corydon Will Carnegie
Thanks everyone that made this possible - let´s make 2012 even better!
Our late C.I.B. FI SE EE CH, BALTW-03 Corydon Will Carnegie, has certainly
left a legacy in his children. He himself was an excellent show dog, with
5 x CC, 4 x CACIB, 3 x BOB, 10 x BOS, 3 x BIS-1 progeny class at speciality
shows, 1 x BIS-2 progeny class at spec. show. His biggest value was anyhow
ast a stud dog.
During years 1999-2010 he has consistently been listed on the Top Stud Dog
lists in Finland - quite an achievemt that not many sires have done!!
Finnish Collie Society – Top Stud
Dog Competitions
- Corydon Will Carnegie
1999: # 7 Top Stud Dog
2001: # 12 Top Stud Dog
2002: # 7 Top Stud Dog
2003: # 9 Top Stud Dog
2004: # 3 Top Stud Dog
2005: # 3 Top Stud Dog
2006: # 4 Top Stud Dog
2007: # 6 Top Stud Dog
2008: # 12 Top Stud Dog
2009: # 6 Top Stud Dog
2010: # 10 Top Stud Dog
Carnoustie´s Addicted to Desire has been removed from our list of stud dogs,
and is not available at stud.
I found this poem on the internet, and I think that it should give many
people something to think about. Author unfortunately unknown, but
surely a breeder.
A Breeder
I love my little puppy, she
makes my house a home.
She is my very sweetest little
friend, I never feel alone.
She makes me smile, she makes me
laugh, she fills my
heart with love ..
Did some person breed her, or did
she fall from above?
I´ve never been a breeder, never
seen life through their eyes,
I hold my little puppy and just sit
and criticize.
I´ve never known their anguish, I´ve
never felt their pain,
the caring of their charges, through
snow or wind or rain.
I´ve never waited the whole night
through for babies to be born,
The stress and trepidation when they´re
still not there by morn.
The weight of responsibility for
this body in my hand,
This darling little baby, who weighs
but 160 grams.
Should you do that instead of this
.. or maybe that was wrong?
Alone you fight and hope, one day,
he´ll grow up proud and strong.
You pray he´ll live to bring great joy
to someone else´s home.
You know it´s all just up to you,
you´ll fight this fight alone.
Formula, bottles, heating pads,
you´ve got to get this right,
two-hour feeding for this tiny guy,
throughout the day and night.
Within your heart you dread that you
will surely lose this fight,
To save this little baby, but God
willing .. you just might.
Day one: he´s in there fighting, you
say a silent prayer.
Day two & three, he´s doing
well, with lots of love and care.
Day four & five … he´s still
alive, your hope´s soar to the heavens.
Day six he slips away again, dies in your hands, day seven.
You take this little angel, and bury
him alone.
With aching heart and burning tears,
and an exhausted groan
You ask yourself “Why do this? … Why
suffer through this pain?”
Yet watch the joy our puppies bring,
and everything´s explained.
So, when you think of breeders and
label them with “Greed”,
Think of all that they endure, to
fill another´s need.
For when you buy your puppy, with
your precious euros part,
You only pay with money … while they
pay with all their heart.
In loving memory of Primo
23.01.2012 Puppies to our breeding
2 x CC, CACIB-winner, EE J CH Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire´s first litter
in Estonia is born, a big litter of 6 puppies: 3 males, 3 females.
More info from Milli Miller Collies. Congratulations!
22.01.2012 Added new pics of Nefertiti and Cleopatra.
Page updated with new look, and also some changes in Puppy Plans.
We realized that our own Will Beam Me Up is getting older, and we will use him
this autumn for La Traviata, and La Traviata´s litter with C.I.B Impressive Blue
Fantazija will be done 2013.
15.01.2012 Show results from Finland and abroad
Kajaani international show, judge Maija Sylgren, 65 roughs
BM2, CC, CACIB, EE J CH Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire
BM3, rCACIB, FI EE CH Carnoustie´s Beam of Light
Well done Katri, Petri & the Boys!
Tarto, Estonia
Drivergold Elise Blossom CC, BOB (CIB Carnoustie´s Object of Desire at Corydon
x Ch Carnoustie´s Pleasant Touch). Well done Mallu & Essi!
So the family had a good day out, as both Love is My Desire and Elise Blossom are
sired by CIB FI EE SE CH Carnoustie´s Object of Desire at Corydon, and Beam of
Light is sired by FI EE RU CH Carnoustie´s Will Beam Me Up, and dame is FI EE SE CH
Carnoustie´s La Dolce Vita, a litter sister to Object of Desire :).
12.01.2012 Ladies visiting
FI RU EE CH Carnoustie´s Will Beam Me Up has had a lovely sable lady visiting,
and we hope to tell good puppy news after 9 weeks.
3.1.2012 Celebration!!
Many congratulations on your 12th Birthday dear "Poppins", Carnoustie´s Ray of Light!!
May you still have many years to spend with us, darling!