Closing the
year 2014 ...
What a year,
once again. Too many good results to list them all, could not list any
BB-/BM-placings for anyone because then this list would never end.
puppies took BOB-puppy: Aquamarine, Zirconium, Blue Sapphire, Crystal Moon,
Joyful Soul (8 x BOB-, 2 x BIS-1, 2 x BIS-2), Way To Sparkle, Sparkling Joy.
Aquamarine, Zirconium, Way To Sparkle, Silvery Shade.
winners: Crystal Moon (2 rCCs), Nefertiti, La Dolce Fiore (4 rCCs), Carry On,
Baltic Frost, La Magnifica (2 rCCs), Silvery Shade
CC-winners: La Dolce Fiore (4 CCs), Nerfetiti (2 CCs),
Aquamarine, Zirconium (2 CCs),
La Traviata,
Cleopatra (2 CCs), Silvery Shade, Sparkling Joy.
La Dolce Fiore (3 rCACIBs), Carry On,
CACIBs: La Dolce Fiore, Love Is My Desire
BOS: La Vida
Loca, Love Is My Desire
BOB: Love Is
My Desire, Nefertiti, La Dolce Vita (2xBOB), La Traviata, Cleopatra (2xBOB)
Moon Goddess
Prima Fantazija, La Dolce Vita (x7),
including BIS-2 vet int show, BIS-4 all breed
Love Is My Desire BIG-3, La Dolce Vita
BIG-3 (from veteran class at international show),
Cleopatra 2 x BIS-2, La Dolce
Vita BIS-2 veteran international show, BIS-4 vet national show
RU CH To Russia With Love, EE CH La Traviata, EE J CH
Zirconium, EE VET CH La Dolce Vita
Sparkling Joy
(Vice Junior World Winner -14 Diamonds Are Forever, Vice Veteran
World Winner-14 La Dolce Vita, Vice Helsinki Junior Winner Diamonds Are Forever)
approved BH-test Love Is My Desire, obedience trial open class 2nd price La
Bella Principessa
classes: 19 x BOB-breeder (including
BOB-breeder at both Finnish Winner shows),
3 x BIS-1 breeder, 1 x BIS-4 breeder
Thank you everyone
that made this possible – the biggest thank you goes to our active puppy
that spend time and money travelling and showing, and also thank you to
the judges that have appreciated our breeding work.
21.12.2014 Show results from St Petersburg, Russia
.RU J CH Carnoustie´s To Russia With Love CC, BOB and new RU CH !
Congratulations Natalja and Alexandra!
14.12.2014 Swedish Winner Show, Stockholm, judge Bo Skalin
Carnoustie´s Aquamarine Jun 2nd Exc, CQ --> Vice Swedish Junior Winner 2014
and finishes a succesful career in junior classes - she has taken
1 x CC, several rCC, several BIS-juniors, several BB-placings during
the year. Way to go Elin and dear Lexie!
07.12.2014 Finnish Winner Show, 81 roughs, judge Paula Rekiranta
Four tired juniors today at the show, as they were competing in the
BIS-breeder finals yesterday and left the showground 19.30 in the evening.
Carnoustie´s Diamonds Are Forever, jun 3rd Exc
Carnoustie´s Crystal Moon, jun Exc
Carnoustie´s Way To Sparkle, jun VG
HEJW-14 Carnoustie´s Sparkling Joy jun VG
Carnoustie´s BOB-breeder.
Carnoustie´s has been BOB-breeder 19 times, 1 x BIS-4 breeder, 3 x BIS-1 breeder
during 2014 - quite a record we believe. Thanks everyone that made this possible!
06.12.2014 Helsinki Winner Show, judge Ruth Wagner
Jun 2nd Exc, CQ --> Vice Helsinki Junior Winner, Carnoustie´s Diamonds Are Forever
(who also is Vice Junior World Winner 2014)
Jun 4th Exc Carnoustie´s Way To Sparkle
Jun Exc Carnoustie´s Crystal Moon
Jun 1st Exc, CQ, Helsinki Junior Winner 2014, CC Carnoustie´s Sparkling Joy
BOB-breeder Carnoustie´s

in the picture HEJW-14, CC-winner Carnoustie´s Sparkling Joy
Thank you all for making this possible - and showing the dogs and our breeders
class so successfully! <3
04.12.2014 Puppy page updated
MULTI CH Rejejs Joie De Vivre for Carnoustie has given birth to her
last litter - and we are proud and happy to announce the birth of five
beautiful puppies: tri male, tri female, 2 merle bitches, merle male.
Sire is the beautiful RU CH Carnoustie´s Attired By Frost.
Some pups still available for showing/active homes, do not hesitate
to contact us.
Joyn ja Frostin pennut ovat syntyneet, ja meillä on ilo kertoa että
meillä on viisi pentua, tri uros, tri narttu, kaksi merle narttua, ja merle uros.
Vapaana vielä muutama pentu, aktiiviset kodit etusijalla.
Joys och Frosts valpar är födda, och vi kan stolt berätta att vi har fem valpar:
tri hane, tri tik, två merle tikar, en merle hane.
Några valpar ännu lediga.
13.11.2014 Health results
Carnoustie´s Shades of Frost, slight crd, A/A-hips, 0/0-elbows.
Carnoustie´s Anubis cea-free/cea-free.
EE J CH, EEJW-12 Carnoustie´s Dark Moon Shining´s offspring
at Herohills kennel health and eye checked, all is ok, 1 x cea-free,
2 x very slight crd.
Congrats to all and thanks for examining!
09.11.2014 Jyväskylä international show, 60 roughs
Carnoustie´s Silvery Shade jun 1st Exc, CQ, and CC !
This was his second show ever, at the first show he took BM-4, rCC.
His litter sister Sparkling Joy was jun 4th Exc.
Well done to both of you!!
25-26.1014 Seinäjoki all breed, 50 roughs, judge Juha Putkonen
Carnoustie´s Silvery Shade jun 1st Exc, CQ, BM-4, rCC
Ch Carnoustie´s La Dolce Vita did her last performance at the
show scene, and ended it in style - BB-2, BOB-veteran, BIS-4 veteran!

09.10.2014 Health results
Carnoustie´s Diamonds Are Forever, A/A-hips, 0/0-elbows, minimal crd.
Congratulations Päivi and thank you for examining!
4.10 Hämeenlinna show
Carnoustie´s Way To Sparkle 2nd male puppy with POH.
Well done once again Jermu!
30.09.2014 Puppies in other kennels
EE J CH, EEJW-12 Carnoustie´s Dark Moon Shining´s puppies
are born in Herohills kennels. Five pups born, three survivors.
All puppies preliminary booked.
30.09.2014 Eye-check
Puppies eyechecked, merle male cea-free, the tricolours
all a very small crd.
20.09.2014 Eskilstuna, Sweden
Carnoustie´s Joyful Soul BOB-puppy, BEST IN SHOW-puppy!
Congratulations and well done!
20.09.2014 Show results from Tampere group show, 61 roughs
Carnoustie´s Zirconium jun 1st Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s Baltic Frost BB-3, rCC
Well done to both of you!!
19.09.2014 Health results
Vice Junior World Winner 2014 Carnoustie´s Diamonds Are Forever
health examined, and is HD-free, ED-free, and has a very small crd.
This young man is available at stud.
14.09.2014 Nordmaling, Sweden, judge Fredrik Nordgren
Carnoustie´s Cleopatra also today CC, BOB, BIS-2 !!
Well done Teija and dear Nacho!!
14.09. 2014 Turku Puppy Show, judge Pirjo Aaltonen
Carnoustie´s Sparkling Joy BOB-puppy once again!
Congratulations and well done Eija and beautiful Säde!
13.09.2014 Show results from Umeå, Sweden, judge Åke Cronander
Carnoustie´s Cleopatra CC, BOB, BIS-2 !
Well done and congratulations Teija and dear Nacho!
07.09.2014 Obedience trial result
Carnoustie´s La Bella Principessa 2nd Price in open class
obedience trial - well done Jonna and Madde!
06.09.2014 Helsinki, Mastery All breed show
Carnoustie´s Sparkling Joy BOB-puppy at her first show ever!
Congratulations and well done Eija and Säde!
31.08.2014 Liminka puppy show
BM-2 puppy with POH Carnoustie´s Glittering Soul.
BOS- and BOB-puppy children to Carnoustie´s Cleopatra.
Well done!
30.08.2014 Liminka group show, judge Hans Almgren
BOS-puppy Carnoustie´s Silvery Shade.
Jun 2nd Exc Carnoustie´s Moon Light.
Well done youngsters!
Tallinn, Estonia, international show, "Crufts Qualifier", judge breed specialist Ingrid Hein
Carnoustie´s Zirconium junCC, junBOB, BB-3, new EE JUN CH and Crufts Qualified.
Congratulations and very well done Riikka and Zira!
24.08.2014 Lappeenranta group show, judge Elena Ruskovaara
Carnoustie´s Way To Sparkle 2nd with POH in puppy class.
Well done Jermu, two shows this weekend, BOS on Saturday,
and 2nd with POH on Sunday!
24.08.2014 Heinola all breed, Saija Juutilainen
BB-4 Carnoustie´s Duchesse, well done Marja-Liisa and Della!
Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca 2nd Exc
23.08.2014 Tallinn, Estonia, international show, breed specialist Mari Palgi
JunCC, junBOS Carnoustie´s Zirconium, well done Riikka and Zira!
23.08.2014 Kouvola all breed, breed specialist Tomas Rohlin
BOS-puppy Carnoustie´s Way To Sparkle, well done Kaisu and Jermu!
BB-3, rCC Carnoustie´s La Magnifica, well done Katri and Katja!
2nd Exc, CQ Ch Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca.
21.08.2014 Health results Sweden
Carnoustie´s Aquamarine A/A-hips, just as her sister Zirconium in Finland.
Congrats Elin, and thanks for examining!
18.08.2014 Puppies born
CIB EE CH, FIJW-09, FIW-09, EEW-12 Carnoustie´s Solitaire´s puppies
are born (sired by GB imp. Shandlman Soul Strider).
We have a merle male, a tri male, and two tri bitches.
A couple of pups still available - don´t hesitate to contact if you
are looking for something special ...
The merle male has perfect markings and is available only for show home.
Eskilstuna, Sweden, show results, judge Mats Lindborg
Carnoustie´s Joyful Soul BOB-puppy once again!
Congratulations Susanne and dear Kajza Kavat :)
12.08.2014 Sad news

FI EE RU CH Carnoustie´s Will Beam Me Up
3.5.2005 - 12.8.2014
10.08.2014 World Winner Show, Helsinki, judges Rainer Vuorinen & Carlos Fernandez Renau
Vice-junior World Winner 2014 Carnoustie´s Diamonds Are Forever
Intermediate 1st Exc Carnoustie´s La Dolce Fiore
Vice-Veteran World Winner 2014 FI SE EE CH, EE VET CH Carnoustie´s La Dolce Vita
Carnoustie´s 2nd Best Breeder with POH
01.08.2014 Jönköping, Sweden, international show, judge Lena Danker
Carnoustie´s Joyful Soul BOB-pupy once again.
26.7.2014 Saarijärvi all breed, 36 roughs, judge Pirjo Aaltonen
Carnoustie´s Crystal Moon jun 2nd Exc
Carnoustie´s La Magnifica jun 1st Exc, CQ, rCC
Carnoustie´s Zirconium jun 2nd Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s La Dolce Fiore interm 1st Exc, CQ, BB-2, CC
Carnoustie´s La Traviata open 1st Exc, CQ, BB-3
Carnoustie´s Nefertiti open 2nd Exc, CQ, BB-4
Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca champion 2nd Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s La Dolce Vita vet 1st Exc, CQ, BOB-veteran
Carnoustie´s BOB-breeder (we did not stay for the finals, it was +35)
27.7.2014 Helsinki all breed, 20 roughs, judge Elina Haapaniemi
Carnoustie´s La Magnifica VG3
Carnoustie´s La Dolce Fiore interm 1st Exc, CQ, BB-4, CC
Carnoustie´s La Traviata open 2nd Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s Nefertiti open 1st Exc, CQ, BB-3
Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca champion 2nd Exc, CQ
Canoustie´s La Dolce Vita vet 1st Exc, CQ, BB-2, BOB-veteran
Carnoustie´s BOB-breeder
And as the weather was still very hot and we had a long trip home, we did not stay for the finals.
27.07.2014 Ransäter, Sweden, judge Suncica Lazic
Carnoustie´s Joyful Soul BOB-puppy
20.07.2014 Sundsvall, Sweden, COLLIE-SM (main speciality), 38 roughs, judge Bev White
Carnoustie´s Aquamarine jun 1st Exc, CQ, BB-3, rCC, BOS-junior
Well done once again Elin and Lexie!
20.07.2014 Mäntsälä, judge Matti Luoso
Carnoustie´s Zirconium jun 2nd Exc, CQ
19.07.2014 Kemi international show, 45 roughs, jude Saija Juutilainen
Carnoustie´s Crystal Moon jun 2nd Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s La Dolce Fiore interm 1st Exc, CQ, BB-2, CC, rCACIB
Carnoustie´s La Traviata open Exc
Carnoustie´s Nefertiti BB-4
Carnoustie´s La Dolce Vita BOB-veteran, B-3
Carnoustie´s breeders class 2nd with POH.
19.07.2014 Askersund int show, Sweden, judge Johan Andersson
Carnoustie´s Joyful Soul BOB-puppy once again, congrats Susanne and Kajza.
12.07.2014 Luumäki puppy show, judge Eva Resko
Carnoustie´s Way To Sparkle BOB-puppy.
Congratulations Kaisu and Jermu!
12.07.2014 Kokkola int show, 67 roughs, breed specialist Lidija Oklescen
Carnoustie´s Crystal Moon jun 1st Exc, CQ
Ch Love Is My Desire 3rd Exc in bikinicoat
Carnoustie´s La Magnifica jun 4th Exc
Carnoustie´s La Dolce Fiore interm 1st Exc, CQ, rCC
Carnoustie´s La Traviata open Exc
Carnoustie´s Nefertiti BB-2, rCACIB
Ch Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca 3rd Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s La Dolce Vita vet 1st Exc, CQ, BOB-veteran
Carnoustie´s BOB-breeder
Carnoustie´s have been BOB-breeder 15 times this year, and 4 x BIS-1 breeder,
1 x BIS-4 breeder.
04.07 - 06.07 Pärnu Estonia - WHAT A WEEKEND!
04.07.2014 FCI group 1 speciality, 31 roughs, Linda Jurgens (Heidelind´s)
Carnoustie´s Crystal Moon jun 4th Exc
Carnoustie´s Zirconium jun 2nd Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s La Dolce Fiore interm 1st Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s La Traviata CC, BOB, new EE CH
Carnoustie´s Nefertiti BB-2
Carnoustie´s La Dolce Vita vet 2nd Exc, CQ, vet CC, new EE VET CH
Carnoustie´s BOB-, BIS-1 breeder

picture with kind permission by Siim Kinnas Fotowärk
05.07.2014 Pärnu international show, 32 roughs, Dina Korna
Carnoustie´s Crystal Moon 3rd Exc
Carnoustie´s Zirconium VG
Carnoustie´s La Traviata 2nd Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s Nefertiti Exc
Carnoustie´s La Dolce Fiore BB-4, resCACIB
Carnoustie´s La Dolce Vita BOB-veteran, BOB, BIG-3 !!
Carnoustie´s BOB-breeder

picture with kind permission by Siim Kinnas Fotowärk
06.07.2014 Pärnu international show, 32 roughs, Tomas Rohlin
.Carnoustie´s Crystal Moon 2nd Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s Zirconium 2nd Exc, CQ, junCC
Carnoustie´s La Dolce Fiore BB-3, resCACIB
Carnoustie´s Nefertiti BB-4
Carnoustie´s La Traviata 3rd Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s La Dolce Vita BOB-veteran, BIS-2 veteran, BOB !!
Carnoustie´s BOB-breeder
Added new pictures of Nefertiti and La Traviata on their own pages.
08.06.2014 Lohja, 68 roughs for Peter Bailey
Carnoustie´s Crystal Moon jun 1st Exc, CQ, BM-2, rCC
Carnoustie´s Diamonds Are Forever, jun 2nd Exc
Carnoustie´s Love Song interm 3rd Exc
Ch Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire champion 2nd Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s La Magnifica jun VG with a happy tail
Carnoustie´s Zirconium jun 1st Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s La Dolce Fiore interm 1st Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s Baltic Frost open Exc
Carnoustie´s Nefertiti open 1st Exc, BB-1, CC, BOB, shortlisted in group 1
Ch Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca champion 2nd Exc, CQ, BB-4
Ch Carnoustie´s La Dolce Vita vet 1st Exc, CQ, BOB-veteran
Carnoustie´s breeders class 2nd with POH
07.06.2014 Collie Main Speciality show, 142 roughs, judges Heather Corfield (males) & Eleanor Kitchen (females)
Carnoustie´s Crystal Moon 2nd Exc, CQ (actually first time he has ever LOST a class ;)
Carnoustie´s Diamonds Are Forever jun VG with a happy tail
Ch Carnoustie´s Beam of Light champion Exc
Ch Carnoustie´s Double-O-Seven champion Exc
Ch Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire champion Exc
Carnoustie´s La Magnifica jun 3rd Exc
Carnoustie´s Zirconium jun VG
Carnoustie´s La Dolce Fiore interm 2nd Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s Baltic Frost open VG
Carnoustie´s La Traviata open 2nd Exc, QQ, BB-2, CC
Carnoustie´s Nefertiti Exc
Ch Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca champion 3rd Exc, CQ
Ch Carnoustie´s Solitaire champion 4th Exc
Ch Carnoustie´s La Dolce Vita vet Exc
Carnoustie´s 2nd Breeder
Ch Carnoustie´s La Dolce Vita´s progeny class 3rd.
Thanks everyone that participated and helped!
.06.2014 Collie Speciality, Mälarö, Sweden, judge Yvonne Brink
Carnoustie´s Aquamarine jun 1st Exc, CQ, BB-4, BOB-junior, BIS-junior!
Well done Elin and Lexie!
02.06.2014 BH-test
Ch Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire approved BH-test today!
Congrats and well done Petri and Leo!
01.06.2014 Keuruu, 36 roughs, judge Maija Sylgren
Ch Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire BM-3
Carnoustie´s Love Song interm. 3rd Exc
Carnoustie´s Zirconium BB-2, CC
Carnoustie´s La Magnifica jun 2nd Exc, CQ
Ch Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca BB-4
Carnoustie´s BOB, BIS-breeder.
Congrats Riikka for Zirconium´s 2nd CC in just two weeks,
and thanks Katri, Katja and Riikka for showing our breeders class!
So far this year Carnoustie´s have been BOB-breeder 11 times,
3 x BIS-1 breeder, 1 x BIS-4 breeder.
31.05.2014 Arvika, Sweden
Carnoustie´s Joyful Soul BOB-, BIS-2 puppy once again!
Congrats Susanne and dear Kajza Kavat!
30.05.2014 Gene test results
EE J CH Carnoustie´s Dark Moon Shining, MDR +/-, DM: N/DM
29.05.2014 Nora, Sweden, Annika Ultveit-Moe
Carnoustie´s Joyful Soul BOB-, BIS-2 puppy.
Well done Susanne and dear Kajza!
28.05.2014 Health results
Carnoustie´s La Magnifica A/A-hips, 0/0-elbows, cea-free.
Congrats Katri and Petri, and thanks for examining!
25.05.2014 Salo, breed specialist Mari Palgi (Dolmaris)
Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire BM-3
Carnoustie´s Love Song interm 3rd Exc
Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca BB-4
Carnoustie´s La Magnifica jun 3rd Exc
Carnoustie´s BOB-, BIS-4 breeder.
Thanks Katri, Katja and all that helped showing the class - and well done!
25.05.2014 Tuuri all breed, judge Maija Sylgren
Carnoustie´s Zirconium jun 1st Exc, CQ, BB-2, CC. Well done Riikka and Zira!
Carnoustie´s Nefertiti open 1st Exc, CQ, BB-3, rCC.
Carnoustie´s La Traviata open 2nd Exc, CQ, BB-4
Carnoustie´s la Dolce Fiore interm 1st Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s La Dolce Vita vet 1st Exc, CQ, BOB-vet
Carnoustie´s BOB-breeder.
24.05.2014 Järvenpää all breed show, judge Jaana Hartus
Ch Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire BOS
Carnoustie´s Love Song interm 2nd Exc
Carnoustie´s La Magnifica jun 1st Exc, CQ
Ch Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca BB-3
Carnoustie´s BOB-breeder
Congrats Katri and Katja, and thanks for showing our breeders class!
24.05.2014 Jyväskylä, speciality show
Carnoustie´s Zirconium jun 2nd Exc, CQ in a big class of 13 juniors,
well done!
24.05.2014 Österbybruk, Sweden, international show
Carnoustie´s Aquamarine jun 1st Exc, CQ, BB-2, CC !
Well done Elin and Lexie!
17.05.2014 Katrineholm, Sweden, judge breed specialist Eva Eriksson, BIS Sorica Salijevic
Carnoustie´s Joyful Soul, at her first show ever, BOB-, BIS-puppy!
Congratulations and well done Kajza Kavat and Susanne!
11.05.2014 Hamina international show, judge Tarja Löfman, 32 roughs
Ch Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire BM-2, CACIB (his 4th)
Ch Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca BB-3
Carnoustie´s Love Song jun VG
Carnoustie´s La Magnifica jun 1st Exc
Carnoustie´s BOB-breeder.
Thanks Katri and Katja once again, and congrats for nice results!
10.05.2014 Helsinki international show, judge Leila Kärkäs
Ch Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire BM-3
Ch Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca champion 2nd Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s Love Song interm 2nd Exc
Carnoustie´s La Magnifica jun 2nd Exc
Carnoustie´s BOB-breeder.
Thanks Katri and Katja for nice results and for presenting our breeders class again!
7.5.2014 Tragedy in Russia
Our thoughts today goes to Svetlana Fedotochkina (Tet-A-Tet kennels) in St Petersburg, Russia.
There has been a fire in her kennel, some of the dogs and puppies have died, and while trying to rescue the dogs, Svetlana
got severely burned herself. She is in hospital, and her russian friends are taking care of the dogs.
Economical help is needed for taking care of the dogs etc. If you can
spare some euros, contact me, I will give bank details to which account
money can be transferred (to her friend in Estonia, who will bring the money to Russia).
We are thinking of Svetlana, and hoping that she will recover fully, and can continue her successful breeding!
3-5.5. What a weekend!!
3.5.2014 Harjavalta group show, 97 roughs for breed specialist Lidija Oklescen and Zorica Salijevic
Carnoustie´s Crystal Moon, jun 1st Excellent (the only one in the class with excellent)
Carnoustie´s Carry On, intermediate 1st Excellent, CQ, BM-4, rCC
Carnoustie´s La Dolce Fiore, intermediate 1st Excellent, CQ, rCC
HEJW-12 Carnoustie´s Nefertiti, open 2nd Excellent, CQ, BB-4, CC
Carnoustie´s BOB-, BIS-breeder!
3.5.2014 Parikkala group sho, 19 roughs for judge Maija Sylgren
Carnoustie´s La Magnifica jun 2nd Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s Beam of Light BM-4
Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire BOB, BIG-3
Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca BOS
Carnoustie´s BOB-, BIS-breeder!
Thanks Katri and Petri for showing our class!
4.5.2014 Tampere international show, 110 roughs for judges Paula Rekiranta & breed specialist Derek Smith
Carnoustie´s Crystal Moon 1st Exc, CQ in an enormous junior class of 18 juniors!
Carnoustie´s Carry On 2nd Exc, CQ intermediate
Carnoustie´s La Dolce Fiore, intermediate 1st Exc, CQ, BB-4, rCC
Carnoustie´s Nefertiti open 2nd Exc, CQ
Carnoustie´s BOB-breeder.
Carnoustie´s La Bella Principessa competed in obedience trial and took open class 3rd price, well done!
26.04.2014 Finnish Collie Society Competitions from year 2013
# 3 Top Breeder Carnoustie´s
# 3 Top Veteran Bitch Ch Carnoustie´s la Dolce Vita
Thanks everyone for making this result possible - and let´s make this year even better :).
26.04.2014 Vaasa international show, 59 roughs, judge Sean Delmar, Ireland
Carnoustie´s Crystal Moon jun 1st Exc, CQ, BM-2, rCC
Carnoustie´s Carry On interm 1st Exc, CQ, BM-3, rCACIB
Carnoustie´s La Dolce Fiore inter 1st Exc, CQ, BB-2, CC, rCACIB --> CACIB
Carnoustie´s Nefertiti open 1st Exc, CQ, BB-3, rCC
Carnoustie´s La Dolce Vita vet 2nd Exc
Carnoustie´s breeders class BOB-breeder.
17.03.2014 New pics
All puppies have got homes.
Kaikki pennut varattuna.
The following litter will be Nefertiti´s litter autumn 2014, for more info, see puppy page.
Seuraava pentue on Nefertitin pentue syksyllä 2014 jos kaikki menee suunnitelmien mukaisesti.
Lisätietoja pentusivuilla.
09.03.2014 Show results Strängnäs international show, Sweden
Good news also from Sweden, where Carnoustie´s Aquamarine
finished her extremely succesful puppy career by being BOS-puppy!
09.03.2014 Show results, Seinäjoki, judge Marjatta Pylvänäinen-Suorsa
BOB-puppy at his first show ever, Carnoustie´s Crystal Moon
BOS-puppy Carnoustie´s Zirconium.
Congratulations and well done to both of you!!
Wäinö ROP-pentu ja Zira VSP-pentu Seinäjoella, onnea!!!
09.03.2014 Available male puppy
Beautiful tricolour male puppy available! (min. crd)
Vapaana kaunis tricolourvärinen urospentu (minim.crd), luov. 7.3. alkaen!
22.2.2014 Sweden
BOB-puppy Carnoustie´s Blue Sapphire, well done Susanne and Safiren!
22.2.2014 Jyväskylä international show, 94 roughs, judge Marianne Baden, DK
2, POH in puppy class Carnoustie´s Zirconium
Jun 4th Exc Carnoustie´s La Magnifica
BB-3 , EE LV CH Carnoustie´s La Vida Loca
BOS-vet NORDW-09 Carnoustie´s Moon Goddess
Vet 4th Exc, MULTI CH Carnoustie´s Prima Fantazija
BOB-breeder Carnoustie´s
Congratulations to all, and thanks for showing our class Katri, Sanna and Katriina!
BB-2 was a daughter to Carnoustie´s Touch of Heaven, and
BOS-, and BOB-puppies grandchildren to her, congrats!
09.02.2014 New puppy pictures
Pictures of 23 days old puppies.
Tricolours available.
Uusia kuvia pennuista, triccipennut vapaita.
Lahti puppy show, 17 roughs, judge Saija Juutilainen
BOB-puppy Carnoustie´s Zirconium
BB-2 puppy Carnoustie´s La Magnifica.
Well done and congrats to you both!
18.01.2014 Turku international show
vet 1st Exc, CQ, BOB-veteran. Congratulations Sanna and Prima!
17.01.2014 Puppies born - pentuja syntynyt
GB imp., rCC winner Shandlmain Soul Strider and MULTI BISS INT CH, FI SE EE LV
CH, FIW-10 Rejejs Joie De Vivre´s puppies are born - 2 tri males, 2 tri bitches,
1 merle bitch, 2 merle males. Inguiries welcome.
Joyn ja Timin pennut syntyneet: 2 tri urosta, 2 tri narttua, 1 merle narttu,
2 merle urosta. Vapaita pentuja löytyy vielä, ota rohkeasti yhteyttä.
11.1.2014 Finnish Collie Society, Helsinki subdivision, Top Dogs Year 2013
# 1 Top Male Puppy Carnoustie´s Love Song
# 1 Top Female Puppy Carnoustie´s La Magnifica
# 1 Top Show Male CH Carnoustie´s Love Is My Desire (shared place)
# 2 Top Show Male Carnoustie´s Love Song (Love Is My Desire´s son)
# 5 Top Show Male CH Carnoustie´s Beam of Light
06.01.2014 My Dog Gothenborg, Sweden
Carnoustie´s Aquamarine BOS-puppy, once again in hard competition.
Well done Elin and Lexie!
05.01.2014 My Dog, Gothenborg, Sweden
BOB-puppy Carnoustie´s Aquamarine, in hard competition.
Very well done Elin and young Lexie!!