The pilot and passanger were flying OH-AYJ from
Joensuu airport (EFJO)
to Pyhäselkä airfield to celibrate the one year opening of the airfield. The
runway was 630 meters long (2000ft) and the wind was blowing almoust
90 degrees from left. During the first attempt to land the touchdown was
about 200m after threshold and the pilot decided to go around. Second
time was not any better so he pulled up again. On his third attemp he
managed to get the plane down about 100m after the treshold but the speed
was too high about 80mph. He stayed on the brakes but the plane didn't
slow so he desided to apply full throtle and try to get the plane up again.
He managed to get it back up in the air but while he had passed the end of
the runway the plane stalled and hit some trees and crashed in the
Pilot and passenger escaped with minor injuries, they were unable to open
the conopy but managed to get out through the broken windshield. There
was smell of gasoline around the aeroplane but luckily no fire. The plane has
not been repaired.
A similar accident happened to another Traveller OH-AYN a year before
at the same airport but at the other end of the runway!