IC Ramus Acernus Kabongo (SBI n 21)

Born August 18th 1998

Father: Rallarrosen´s Tathi (SBI n 21)

Mother: Ramus Acernus Skattefria Fia (SBI a)

Breeder: Jaroslava Lönngren, Uppsala, Sweden

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Kabongo as a kitten

Kabongo, or Bongo for short, came to us from Uppsala, Sweden late in November 1998. Like all young cats he´s a pack of energy. You just have to open a door - anywhere in the house - and there he is, stucking his nose in to find out what is hiding behind this awful invention. He´s a regular glutton too...

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See that macho-look coming...?

Bongo among blueberries

Can´t you please read the birman magazine for me?

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