TinySGGL - Simple Generic Graphics Library
Current release is 0.7
List of currently supported routines
Released under the GNU Library General Public License
Written in ANSI C - highly portable
Both clipped and non-clipped versions of all draw routines
16bit only (in colors - not platform) implementation of SGGL (thus "Tiny")
No patterns supported as in many other libraries
No Arcs, Beziers or Polygons (other than triangles) supported
No file-I/O routines included
Notes before usage
This library does not provide any video initialization routines, you need another library for that (i.e. libSDL or OpenPTC).
Only routines with the slow prefix perfom clipping; i.e. don't try to draw outside an image's boundaries with other routines than these.
Future addons
Rectangular ellipses - even diameters possible (currently odd only)
Using together with libSDL
Additional examples