- Chapter 1 deals with the road to war, the plans and the condition of the opposing armies.
- Chapter 2 describes the initial battles during the first Swedish retreat north as well as the Russian capture of the Swedish fortress of Sveaborg.
- Chapter 3 continues the story as the Swedish army goes over on the Summer Offensive of 1808. The development is described up until the disastrous battle of Oravais.
- Chapter 4 deals with the Swedish second retreat, this time over to mainland Sweden where the war is continued in 1809.
- Chapter 5 describes the political aftermath of the war. The peace was signed at Fredrikshamn in 1809, ending the Swedish-Finnish union.
Notes on the pictures used in this article
The black and white illustrations in this article were made by A. Malmström in the 1880's to accompany Fänrik Ståls Sägner. Maps and charts were made by G. Frilund 1999-2003. My thanks goes to Oravais historiska förening r. f. for permission to publish the picture of their reenactment group, as well as the Björneborg regiment uniforms picture.

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