Written by Göran Frilund
The Final War
This work deals with the Russian-Swedish war of 1808-09 as a whole. There is a lot of information here for those who want to study the outlines of the war. The work is divided into chapters to suit this website. Originally it was published at the Napoleon Series website.
Russia and Sweden went to war many times before 1808. Here is an article that describes the historical background to the Swedish-Finnish union, the Swedish era of greatness as well as the Russo-Swedish struggles in the Baltic sea. This also goes on to tell about Finland as a Russian Grand Duchy.
Understanding the war is quite difficult if you are not born in Sweden or Finland. Knowing where all the places are on the map and having a clear overview of what happened on different fronts can be difficult. This chronology page will make the understanding a lot easier. The maps in this article were made by Paul Morillon.
The Russian Army
This new article deals with the Russian Army of the Napoleonic period as a whole. I think it is important to give the background on this matter. During the war of 1808-09 the Russians were far better prepared for the fighting; they were better organized and the Russian soldiers were of better quality.
The Small war
When the Russians invaded Finland, they were planning to pacify the Finnish population. But the peasants were still loyal to the king of Sweden and on a couple of occasions they rose against the Russian occupation. On other fronts, guerilla warfare was also used by the regular troops. This is an original article written for The Final War.
The Swedish navy 1788-1809
The Swedish navy fought two wars between 1788-1809. The battle of Svensksund in 1790, is the greatest Swedish naval victory ever. Read more on naval affairs here. This article was originally published at the Bravé website.
Sammanfattning (In Swedish)
This is a short version of the Final War written in Swedish. För den svenskspråkige läsaren återfinns här en kort sammanfattning av det finska krigets viktigaste händelser.

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