Can You see the smile on our faces? This picture taken on November 13:th when we found these Tilley X246 lanterns. After cleaning them we noticed that they where in pretty good condition, and we are really looking forward to testing them...
On Saturday 17 December, we had the mantles and we decided to try two of the Tilleys. We found out that they where extremly easy to preheat and they where actually working really nice. These where the two older ones from between 1954 and October 1956, and the newer one should be in at least the same good condition. We tried to applicate the mantle in two different ways on these two, but as You can see, the light is the same.
Our father happened to come out as we where trying the Tilleys and we just had to light the Tower too in order to get some more light. As You notice, the snow is gone again, and it is really dark here.
From left we have: two Tilleys, Per-Henrik, our father and the lantern to the right is the Tower 909.
This picture is taken on December 25:th and it is -15 degrees celsius at this moment. We were going to testburn the Petromax 830 (to the left) when we started to consider testing to fix the 822. We had the mesh allready, but we were out of mantles, so we had not tried to fix it earlier. We carefully removed the nozzle without breaking the mantle, and inserted the mesh into the nozzle (that we believe is made out of brass). We tested it and it fired up nicely on the first attempt. A little bit yellow on this picture, but we have adjusted the airgap now and it has a nice bright light. As You can see, the all brass Petromax 830 works nicely even in this cold weather.
Now we know why the "neck" on the Petromax 822 is so long... As we now have the 822 working, we are looking forward to the summer when we can use it every evening.