Ikonisivu 1 (Icons: page 1)

Joulukuu 5., 2009

Anne maalaa ikonia - Anne is painting an icon (JPG)


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Icon Jesus Christ the Fiery Eyes (2004)
Jesus Christ the Fiery Eyes, Kristus Jeesuksen tulinen katse (2004)
Icon Jesus Christ the Sacred Heart (2004)
Jesus Christ the Sacred Heart, Kristus Jeesuksen pyhitetty sydän (2004)
Icon Archangel Micheal Gaurdian Angel (2005)
Archangel Michael, Guardian Angel, Arkkienkeli Mikael, Suojelusenkeli (2005)
Icon Jesus Christ the Sacred Heart (2004)
St. George Kills the Dragon, Pyhä Yrjö tappaa lohikäärmeen (2005)
Icon Seraphimo Diverskaya, Virgin Maria Elousa, Mother of God (2005)
Seraphimo Diverskaya, Virgin Maria Elousa, Mother of God, THEOTOKOS, Laupeuden neitsyt (2005)
Icon Korsun Virgin Maria, Korsun Mother of God (2004)
Korsun Virgin Maria, Korsun Mother of God, THEOTOKOS (2005)

Design downloaded from free website templates.